How to enlarge the penis with traditional methods and treatment methods: how to enlarge the penis

There are many men who are dissatisfied with the length and thickness of the penis. But not everyone decides on expensive and unpredictable surgical interventions to enhance men’s dignity.

If there is no desire to take risks, then you can try alternative methods. It is difficult to discuss its effectiveness, as there have been many reviews, both positive and very negative. It works for some men, but not for others.

The traditional method of penis enlargement is by using decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. They focus on normalizing blood circulation, increasing potency and improving erections. With normal blood flow, different exercises - jelqing and pumping give the best effect.

Also, is it possible to enlarge the penis? How to prepare a cream or ointment at home that encourages accelerated penis growth? So let’s think about how to enlarge the penis with folk remedies, and do they really help achieve the desired result?

Penis enlargement with medicinal plants

It is possible to increase the length and thickness of the penis with the help of medicinal plants. Based on its essence, decoctions and infusions are prepared for internal use. Ginkgo biloba is a unique ingredient that is widely used in medicine. Component -based drugs increase the sensitivity of the penis, improve blood circulation.

It is difficult to obtain the plant in its pure form, however, with the addition of ginkgo biloba, many supplements are sold for its use. The composition of supplements includes additional vitamins and minerals, which increase vitality.

Ginseng is a plant that improves erectile function and has aphrodisiac properties; ensures the expansion of blood vessels, which increases blood flow to the penis. To enlarge the penis drink infusion.


  • Pour 20 g of crushed ginseng root into 200 ml of alcohol;
  • Insist 7 days;
  • Take twice a day, 20 drops at a time;
  • Drink half an hour before meals.

Folk remedies for penis enlargement include a plant called thyme. It helps speed up the natural growth of the penis. Herbal teas are prepared according to their basics. A teaspoon of chopped herbs is poured into a glass of hot water. Insist 10 minutes. Drink 250 ml twice a day. Acceptance is done within 4 months.

Garlic is a natural aphrodisiac. Many people say that garlic infusions act like Viagra pills. One head of chopped garlic is added to 200 ml of alcohol. Insist 3 days. Drink 15 drops of baking liquid three times a day. Therapy - from 3 months.

Objectively, medicinal ingredients are actually capable of increasing potency, which significantly improves the quality of sex. But they are unlikely to increase the length of the penis significantly.

Petroleum jelly as a way to enlarge the penis

Perhaps the use of Vaseline to enlarge the penis is the oldest "ancient" method. The point is simple - petroleum jelly is injected under the skin of the reproductive organs, which makes it possible to increase its thickness. The process is quite simple, you can do it at home. Against the background of this method, the phallus will grow before our eyes.

The penis is clamped at the base. Then Vaseline is injected with a syringe under the skin of the penis. After the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution. Vaseline is injected carefully, as the substance does not spread evenly. With the right approach, the phallus can be enlarged in 15 minutes.

This technique is difficult to implement if one has no medical education. If you ask a doctor for help, he will refuse to perform such manipulations. The method is unsafe and fraught with various complications.

The use of petroleum jelly by itself can lead to the following negative consequences:

  1. The material accumulates unevenly under the skin, as a result of which the penis looks unnatural.
  2. During manipulation, infection can be introduced, as petroleum jelly is not a sterile material. On the other hand, infection causes inflammation and other complications.
  3. Allergic reactions.

The introduction of petroleum jelly into the penis is an effective method. But the likelihood of the danger exceeds the expected outcome. This manipulation is a direct path to impotence.

Traditional methods for penis enlargement

There is no magic potion that increases penis size. Therefore, men are willing to experiment to achieve penis growth. One of the most popular methods is to use baking soda. It is used in different ways: taken orally, bathed and showered, prepare ointments.

When sodium bicarbonate comes in contact with the skin of the penis, an irritating effect is observed, which causes blood to flow. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of stretching the penis. As a mono medicine, soda doesn’t work, phallus won’t help grow.

Ointment is prepared for massaging the penis. Take one tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate and natural honey. Knead carefully, after which the mixture is applied on the penis. Massage for 5-10 minutes. This enhancement option can cause side effects:

  • Allergies;
  • Scratches, wounds;
  • Painful sensation.

On the forum NUPers - supporters of natural penis enlargement, homemade cream recipes based on leeches are very popular. The preparation of the ointment is simple.

First you need to dry the leeches. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Then dried worms - 100 g ground to a powder state. They are poured with melted butter or lamb fat.

Ready -made leech cream must be applied daily before bedtime.

Other Ways to Enhance Men's Dignity

small and enlarged penis on the example of vegetables

Of course, leech cream is a dubious method of penis enlargement. But such recipes have their own proponents who argue that the method is really effective. It’s hard to argue, because phallus growth happens individually for each person. If you combine the cream with other methods, it is very possible to increase the length and thickness of the penis.

Load reduction is an alternative medicine method used hundreds of years ago. If earlier men hung stones to the penis, now they have discovered something else - they put on a different weight. They start with a small weight, gradually increasing it.

There are many ways to attach. Often, a rope or bandage at the end with a hook is attached to the base of the organ. A certain mass load is attached to the hook. You should always be small, because excessive tension can cause torn penile ligaments, which are not only accompanied by pain, but also with a decrease in erectile function.

To make the penis thicker, use a vacuum pump. This tool can not be associated with traditional methods, but is very helpful in increasing the thickness of the penis. To get significant results, you need to train the phallus for at least 3 months.

Traditional methods of enlarging the phallus:

  1. Apitherapy. It is believed that bee venom induces active penis growth.
  2. Stretching the penis manually.
  3. Enlargement with a vacuum cleaner. Very dangerous and ineffective method.

As an alternative to the methods described, you can try self hypnosis. This option does not require effort and investment of funds. There is an opinion that all thoughts are material. If you believe that a man has a large penis, then it will happen. Manipulation is not difficult: a man sits in a chair or lies on a bed, closes his eyes and tries to relax. You need to do 5 minutes of gymnastics by inhaling long breaths and exhaling slowly.

Then you have to imagine that the phallus is big, strong and prominent. The clearer the picture is shown, the more actively the organism responds to it. To get the desired result, you need to meditate for several months for 5-7 minutes. They say that this method helps, has a positive effect on sex life. This may be because meditation neutralizes the effects of stress and nervous tension, which enhances awakening.

There are many promising popular ways to enlarge the penis. But whether they work is another matter. It is better to choose a more traditional option for penis enlargement, because folk remedies are fraught not only with a lack of results, but also with various complications.